We made it back yesterday (Thursday) around 3pm to DFW. Our journey home was very uneventful minus Macey’s 30 minute crying session on the 10 hour flight from Frankfurt to the States everyone around us was pretty frustrated, but what they didn’t know is that on Wednesday she only got a little nap in her backpack as i walked around Addis trying to finalize a few things, then our flight was delayed until after midnight so she got to sleep around 1am and was up again at 2:30 am as we landed in Sudan and it was SOO hot on the plane, then got 3 hours of sleep before we landed in Frankfurt. So what do they expect from our sweet baby girl!! That was over 17 straight hours of flying plus layovers and delays
lol–but once she finally got to sleep after 30 minutes of screaming she woke up happy about 3 hours later and was her normally friendly smiley self
Big thanks to “nannie” Kristen for helping get us through all the airports with all the bags & kids–its so strange to wake up and she not be here–we are so thankful for this new friendship with such an amazing Godly woman!!!
Our Nana (my mom) and our friend Will picked us up from DFW -THANK YOU!!! Our friend Court also brought us groceries over so we’d have some milk and a few basices in the house–so nice!!!! My mom was a lifesaver last night, as she always is. I was soo tired last night, I fell asleep at 6 pm and from that point on was useless–i was sO out of it my mom got us all dinner, bathed the kids, put them to bed, AND woke up with MAcey at 4 am when i didn’t hear her
-wow!! thanks mom!!
Now we are in the unpacking phase looks like a tornado hit the house at the moment, so I better get to work, but just wanted everyone to know we made it back safely!!
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We look forward to catching up with everyone soon and I hope my phone is back up and working by Monday!!!
Thanks for all the prayers for safety as we traveled the past few days!!!
we love you all and are so thankful for each of you!
Woooooooooooow!! perfect. Glad to hear that you made it. God is always Good.
Hi Libby if you read this msg could you please say hi to Falk for me? Tell him his old buddy MACi from TI sends her greetings! Would love to get in touch with him, especially now that the entire family is in ministry? God is good!
may ann