Ruach-Holy Spirit: 5th Kid’s Quest & end of summer party

The summer is officially over with the first day of school behind us now!! We just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU to everyone who joined us, helped out, donated towards the Tuesday nights in many different ways, and prayed for the evening each week this summer! What a BLAST it was each week to have your kiddo’s join us as we learned more about who God is AND had fun hanging out with friends this summer!!!!

Tuesday we recapped each name of God that we had talked about and it was impressive with how much they remembered :) We also learned our last name of God – The Holy Spirit – the 3rd part of the trinity that was promised to be our helper, comforter, and teacher once Jesus returned back to Heaven. The Hebrew name for the Holy Spirit is Ruach and pronounced [roo-ach] (with a long drawn out German guttural sound—the kids loved that!). In John 14:26 we learn the following truth:

“But the helper, the Holy Spirit, who the Father sends in my name- He will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.”

 The Holy Spirit can be a difficult concept for ANYONE to grasp, let alone 5-9 year olds. We tried to emphasize that He is not an “it” and more than simply a “wind” but part of the Godhead (Father, Son & Holy Spirit).  “He lives inside of each believer and helps us in our Christian walks to follow what’s right and holy.  He’s the spirit that was in Jesus. Gentle, loving and yet powerful. Now that Jesus has left us to be with the Father and ready our future home, the Holy Spirit is left to minister to us and aid us…He is our teacher, comforter & helper.” Monica Bullock Holy Spirit object lessons for children’s church

 What a fun summer it was and what great promises we learned about WHO God is through this study of only a handful of the many names of God!!

After our short lesson, we spent the rest of the night in full FUN  mode :) ….water war games, pizza, ice cream cones, and redeeming the points that each child had been collecting all summer for fun prizes (as seen in the pictures below).
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Thank you again for entrusting your kids to us this summer-what a blessing EACH of them were throughout the summer!!! If we can do ANYTHING for you or your kids in the days and months ahead we would be honored to do so!!

Praying for everyone as we ALL begin the new school year!!!

Love, The Alicke’s

cheeeessssee eating pizza icecream cone time shopping at the store story time all smiles water wars 1 water wars 2 water wars 3 water wars 4 water wars 5 water wars 6

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