Friday, July 13th PIN (People in Need) ministry This morning we got to go along with Petros who heads up the PIN ministry at the International Evangelical Church. He shared with us a little about what they do on a … Continue reading
Our week of minibus adventures Monday7/9-Thursday 7/12…

This gallery contains 24 photos.
Monday, July 9th minibus adventure #1 Today the kids & I had our first of many big adventures around Addis. We headed to HQ (the SIM headquarters compound) after lunch to pick up some cash (Ethiopia is a cash only society) then … Continue reading
New picture from the past week & weekend

This gallery contains 52 photos.
Many chiropractors are good only one technique while others buy generic cialis have a smaller moose. These are a few reasons why you should consider Kamagra as godsend medicine to remove their sensual worries and to trigger viagra generika … Continue reading
Sunday & Monday-adventures in day to day life in Addis
Sunday, 7/8/12 This morning was Laura’s first mini-bus experience and seeing Addis in the day time. She handled herself so well for seeing everything the 1st time, I was very impressed. Church was great today and afterwards we went to … Continue reading
To catch you up on last week—from “the girls”
The girls & I are back in Addis now & after a very busy weekend I’m finally able to find the time to update you all on our fun adventures down country this past week. I’m sorry it’s taken me … Continue reading
Laura Arrived – Family Complete, & Falling in Love with Ethiopia
The family is now complete, as Laura also made it to Addis. We just picked her up from the airport! Kristen also moved in with us tonight, which means Jacob and I have 4 girls to put up with in … Continue reading

This gallery contains 2 photos.
Yippi, we’ve got our girls back, finally! They arrived safely from Langano last night 8pm at the Babagaya resort, to which Jacob and I had travelled yesterday. Babagaya is ~2h out of town, but an entire adventure away as we … Continue reading
Another day of games & exploring Addis
Today we woke up with over 8 hours of sleep (AMAZING!!!). First thing out of Jacob’s mouth: I really like sleeping with Papa
After breakfast and a slow morning (Jacob played video games, I ran a little and studied), we went to meet up with Feleketch and Getye (a student and friend of Feleketch’s) to buy some traditional cloth for their friend and explore the Ethiopia national museum. While the entrance fee for locals is 2 Burr (10 cent), they charge me whooping 10 Burr as a foreigner. The Museum was fun, including a copy of Lucy, the oldest assumed human skeleton. Lucy was a small lady by today’s standards.
We all ended up having pizza for dinner, and now I am doing a bit more grading and reading before going to bed. Amazing how quickly the days go by. Just in time we escaped a big rain shower. It is incredible – when it rains in Addis, you definitely want to have shelter. Yet after all this rain, the land still seems to crave the water and soaks it up quickly. The air never feels super-wet because it is so thin (8000 feet elevation).
By the way, we bought mangoes and bananas tonight. Before we can eat them, we must first wash the bananas, and soak the mangoes in bleach water for 10 min, and then rinse them off with filtered water. While this sounds like much extra effort, it’s actually not too bad.
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I still haven’t heard from Libby – they definitely are out of mobile reach.
Please pray for their safety & blessings.
Crew went to Langano, Jacob was sick and so stayed behind with Papa
7:15am we were supposed to all sit in the minivan on our way to Langano, a beautiful place 4 hours outside Addis, to learn about the kids sports ministry, and relax at the lake. Well, this AM poor little Jacob threw up multiple times, and so we decided he and I would have some daddy and son time in Addis, while the rest of the crew (Lib and the girls, Vic/Cindy, Kristen and Andy) would go ahead and make the bumpy drive. At this point I haven’t heard back from anyone, and hope they made it well. The girls had such a gorgeous smile this morning -of course we miss them. Their cell phone is out of reach – so I suspect there is no cell tower in Langano.
The good news here: Jacob is doing much better, and we even ate Macaroni for dinner. We ended up watching a move, playing games, walking the dog (his name is Spot), watching Felecatch roast delicious Ethiopian coffee for us and now the whole house is smelling like a gourmet coffee house – YUMMY!!!
I never knew how much I enjoy having a dog around….
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We aren’t sure yet how the rest of the week will go. We might take a bus and meet up with the crew on Thursday afternoon, or possibly just hang out in Addis and explore a few things. I kinda like the slow pace, gives me a chance to finish grading the papers from our Old Testament Course last week, and read a good book (Theology in the context of WOLRD CHRISTIANITY by Timothy C. Tennent – a great book looking at Theology from the angle of interacting with other world religions, and how Christianity encounters new frontiers…). Jacob also noted multiple times, how much he enjoys just time amongst “men.”
As you can tell from our day, we are having a blast over here and are in excellent spirit. Thanks everyone for all your prayers!
Monday, July 2nd

This gallery contains 4 photos.
So I bet you didn’t know that Falk & I had a little theatrical talents deep within……us either….but Friday night we found out that we would be performing one of two skits during both services at church on Sunday morning! … Continue reading