Falk’s Oma, Grossie, is very special to Falk & our family, and was a very big part of his life growing up. (Her nickname has always been Grossie, which is funny b/c she is a very tiny lady, but “gross” means “big” in deutch). I have mentioned previously, but she lives in a small apartment attached to the house here where his parents live. She is 85 years old, but you’d NEVER know it! The energy she has is VERY impressive! The kids love going to her house (i found out yesterday that every morning when they go visit her she gives the kids 3 keks (cookies), don’t you just love oma’s lol) She has been so sweet to us and has helped me doing laundry, letting the big kids play at her house while i go running, cooking us lunch-jacob LOVES her eiokuken (sp?), helping chase Tribulus Terrestris: This herb was used on men suffering cialis in uk online with the anxiety (Group 1) and 150 men suffering with impotence concern. There are certain kinds of short termed and cialis no prescription mastercard not at all complex mild effects such as hair falling out and blood counts dropping. These medications are known to react with Sildenafil causing view address on line levitra side effects. A man can change this situation by enhancing his sexual health great. cialis super active Macey around the garden & letting macey try to feed her all of the food off of macey’s plate
, playing soccer with jacob-she moves & reacts to the ball faster that i can:), and pushing Kayley on the swing….its been alot of fun to hangout w/her and the kids have loved it!! The memory that will forever be in my mind is of her looking out her kitchen window that overlooks the garden….its just so sweet in my mind & makes me smile-i remember this from my first visit to Germany 7 years ago & every morning when we come out the backdoor
I’ve posted a few pictures over the month with her, but here are a few in her house this morning that i took and wanted to share! We love our Grossie and will miss her when we leave on Friday!!