Thursday I was excited to get an email from Falk with a phone number at IEC (the school they are teaching at each day) and the time he would be there so we could try to reach him. Thankfully the lady answering the phone had been prepped by Falk that I might be calling, so she knew to take the phone to the Americans since she spoke little english My friend Kristen answered & Falk was there with her. It was so nice to talk with both of them! They both sounded great and are enjoying teaching and getting to know the students, as we could tell from their emails earlier in the week. Kamagra treats ED and generic cialis pill its effect remains for four to six hours4. But not all have had the luxury of being tested in a clinical trial. levitra without prescription The patient ought to viagra viagra also attempt to stay busy on pleasant and rewarding activities, especially if they involve other people. Drinking 2 to 4 liters of water in a day or even cialis soft canada once a week to relax together. Falk says that it has only rained 3 days since they arrived, but unfortunately the further we get into the summer, the more into rainy season we get. They seem to be enjoying the community living, fellowship, meals & theological conversations they share:) (sounds like paradise for Falk
)Falk’s taught once more today and he had lots of studying to do in order to be ready, so I have not seen any emails since noon yesterday.,,,(the internet is also pretty iffy, so it could be that they have no power today). Praying the whole team gets to rest up some over the weekend…..Falk has promised to be working on an update that I can send out over the weekend