For those of you who have never visited Germany (Deutchland), i hope this post will give you a glimpse into the culture here (my view of it atleast, from my Texan point of view -lol). I thought some of you might be interested in knowing more about where we are living right now & see a few pictures of the area…..I did not grow up traveling the world, so for me sometimes its the little things that i think are so interesting b/c they are not done the way I thought everyone did them. Right, we get so set in our minds that the way we do things is the way EVERYONE in the world must do it….not that one way is right or wrong, its just different. I have a feeling that i’ve only just begun to see this as in Africa I’m sure things will be done a totally different way than even here in Germany!
Stadt (city of) Bad Lausick is where Falk has lived most of his childhood & where his parents live now. It is in Leipzig county & it is in the region of Saxony in what would have been East Germany before the wall fell. Here is their city website if you’re curious: The population is about 8500, but feels way smaller than this. Most people ride bikes or walk everywhere. There are not gas stations on every corner, I think i’ve seen 2 in town. They go to the grocery store and only get what they can carry home-I love this!! There are about 8 stores in the little town, no walmart though Each store has a fresh bakery in the front-Not like greasy donuts and stuff, but fresh baked breads and coffee type of cakes-and its TOtALLY affordable & YUMMY!!! The grocery stores close around 4 pm on Saturday’s and don’t re-open again until Monday morning. If there is a holiday then EVERYTHING is closed! I love this too!! There is a fresh market on Wednesday’s I believe in the center of town, and an asparagus little shack on one corner where you can buy fresh asparagus (oh and its white asparagus, not green like we have in the US)-There are NO FASTFOOD RESTAURANTS—I’m not kidding—its WONDERFUL…we did see a McDonalds on Monday when we went into the next closest big town (Leipzig…about 30k away)—KK was so excited to recognize the sign
, and I also saw a Subway one day….but not here in Bad Lausick. ”. I went to the local flower shop yesterday w/Laura to buy a thank you gift for the doctor who CAME TO OUR HOUSE when Jacob was sick (see other post on this
…..i got a beautiful potted plant AND nice pot for 8 euro’s…would have been atleast $20 in Dallas—wow!!!
When you are walking around you feel like you’re back in the early 80’s. Everything is a good 10 years behind times-example….I saw a MAN riding a bike in cut off SHORT bluejean shorts —it was awesome!! I couldn’t help but smile!! When you listen to the radio it’s a mix of german/English music, but its 80’s maybe early 90’s music—it cracks me up!! Everyone here lives simply—they have just what they need and not excess, even the kids when it comes to toys (atleast from what I have seen). Most have their own gardens and spend their time working in them when there is downtime…. EVERYONE has beautiful flower gardens, vegetable gardens and sitting areas outside w/little tea houses where they hang out at—its so pretty. You hardly ever see trash laying around, when you do it looks out of place, where I feel like in Dallas atleast it’s the other way around, if you see a clean area you think “oh wow, its clean. There are no pick up trucks or mini-vans NONE…I did though randomly see a Cadillac Escalade in town 2 days ago and it was so out of place it looked strange…even the people looked like they belonged in New York or LA–not Bad Lausick…The streets are VERY narrow & most American cars would be to big to pass safely on a 2 lane street. Every car is a standard(bad for people like me who can’t drive a stick). People turn their cars OFF at RR crossings when you’re waiting for a train..found that interesting..don’t see that so much in US–people are in such a hurry i guess to do this. The street signs are different-there is a main road at all intersections and this road has the right of way…this is still alittle confusing to me–i just stick to walking or taking the passenger seat in the car. You stop before you get to the light at an intersection, not at it–also strange for me to get used to. It is just common knowledge that if there is no speed limit posted in the town its 50 mph (30 if posted) and once you’re out of town you can go as FAST AS YOU WANT unless otherwise noted–LOVE this!! lol…oh and there are sheep grazing everywhere instead of cows…and i kid you not falk and i went running yesterday off the main road in a trail area and we saw a lady sheep herder and her 2 sheep dogs …..Falk said he wished to have this job for a day..i’m not sure i could handle that-it looked WAY to boring for me
Most people don’t have clothes dryers, but hang everything out to dry-which is great except the whole town knows what color panies you have
lol….ok enough random facts….
The house we are staying in is almost 100 years old & is the same house that Falk’s mom lived in her whole life, Falk lived in most of his life, and several generations have also had their Dentist office in the 1st level. It’s very nice & the garden out back is beautiful!! We had a big surprise this trip however, Falk’s parents had re-finished the 3rd level to their house (the attic). There has always been one room, but they added a 2nd bedroom and bathroom finished VERY nicely & then another large playroom that’s not finished but perfect for playing and storing our suitcases. It’s nice to have this whole level just to our little family… on rainy days (like it has been since Sunday) we have a whole area to play in and just hangout. I kinda like the smaller living area….it’s nice to be able to pick up and clean everything in less than 15 minutes!
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The weather here is nice too, except when it rains like it has the past few days—not to be whiney, I’m just a sunshine type of girl :) …its actually been pretty cool this week since its been raining most days…mid 50’s, but last week in the 70’s—it was “ser shon” as the kids would say “very pretty” (this is one of their new german phrases ).
So here are a few pictures to let you get a better feel….