What I am about to say I do not say lightly. I miss one sibling and two step siblings. My heart aches for all who carry a burden of guilt and regret. God forgives those who come to Him.
Psalm 127:3–5 Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
In July 2013 a pro-life group of young students was bullied out of the Austin YMCA by pro-abortion gym members. The pro-life guests had pre-arranged to shower at the local YMCA during their trip to Austin. The YMCA fearing negative publicity by liberal bullies broke their contract and only allowed the pro-lifers to shower after hours. They had to enter the building through the back door as if association with the pro-life movement is a shameful act.[1]
A heated debate took place last month over the new Texas Abortion law. Street demonstrations between pro-life and pro-abortionists made the news for days. Wendy Davis supported by a US presidential tweet temporarily stalled the democratic process through a distasteful filibuster act.[2] Nevertheless on July 18 Texas governor Rick Perry signed the new state law protecting unborn life after the 20th week.[3]
Here is the question:
Do pro-choice proponents have good reason to be outraged about this new law? Did Texas considerably encroach on women’s rights over their body? Isn’t this a move to “bigger government?” At the first glance, those born after Roe v. Wade in 1973 might find this Texas abortion bill hugely restrictive; they never experienced a time or place where the unborn was truly considered a human. They may think of an unborn child as a lifeless mass of flesh, bones, and hair. Only in recent years has ultrasound and 3D technology revealed that these unborn babies are true, precious human beings, growing up miraculously inside the womb. Yet isn’t this knowledge sufficient to let every woman make their own, educated choices?
I decided to investigate how Texas ranks amongst the nations with their new restrictions. What I found was SHOCKING! There are only two other nations in this world less restrictive than Texas in protecting the unborn. China is an outspoken abortion advocate. The 1-child policy has caused them to put a financial penalty on any family who wants to raise more than one child; abortion is encouraged and Chinese parents often wait until ultrasound determines gender, and they abort the child if it is female. The Netherlands is the other nation with a lesser life protection. Here babies can be aborted without any legal implication until week 22 – thus 2 weeks longer than in Texas. Every other nation which I looked up however has a TIGHTER restriction on abortion than even the new law in Texas! Yes, even nations with overpopulation like secular India, Bangladesh, or Korea protect unborn life more by making abortion a crime. Read the details on what I found in the appendix.
Here is the amazing revelation: With the exception of China and the US, EVERY national law expresses a CLEAR understanding that abortion is an immoral act, and act that opposes life. Any Christian nation must view abortion as a crime because the Bible teaches this (yes Mr. Obama, Christians cannot put preference before truth!! Moses already considered the unborn a child in Exodus 21:22-23). However, the fact that secular nations uphold the same protection of life makes a strong case that there is an inner, moral conviction in humans, that makes it wrong to abort [kill, murder] unborn life.
How does this prove the existence of God you might ask? Answer: it validates Premise #2 of the moral argument. The moral argument is agreed upon by most philosophers and goes like this:
Premise #1: If God does not exist, then objective, moral values (or duties) do not exist.
Premise #2: At least one objective moral value exists.
Conclusion: Therefore, God exists.
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The deal is this: if (A) one accepts premise #1 (even world-famous atheist Nietzsche did), and (B) one can prove that one, objective moral value exists, then we can conclude God exists. I think the abortion laws of the world’s nations prove that at least one objective moral value exists. That value is that it is wrong to murder the weakest amongst us. There is a God-given conviction in all of us that seeks to protect the helpless. Realize: this is NOT an instinct. If it was, pro-choice advocates would not exist. Instead, it is a moral conviction. Pro-choice advocates suppress their conviction to protect the unborn; Their hearts are hardened. In them we see the human condition of all: we are corrupted in our nature; We need a new heart; Every human needs to be saved from their sins. Salvation is in Jesus Christ. Please write me if you like me to pray with you.
While the above argument is sound, statistics reveal that women anywhere in the world abort with similar frequency independent of government laws. To protect the unborn child we need to educate women. We need to help our teenagers to realize the incredible love and acceptance God has for them. If a teenager is not precious to us, how can their baby be any more valuable to us? Our young generation needs to realize the incredible blessing that comes when two people preserve themselves in purity for marriage. A woman after giving birth to her first child is only half as likely to abort a second child.
While Rove vs. Wade legalized murder, we must blame scrupulous doctors, the corrupted human condition, and fatherless, forsaken, hopeless woman victimized by the sex industry and irresponsible predators ultimately for pulling the trigger.
Every human born and unborn, male and female, has been made in the image of God! Shall we not (A) recognize this image, and (B) restore it?
James 1:27: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Psalm 139:16: Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.
Proverbs 6:16–17: There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood.
Proverbs 16:25: There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
From the Didache, one of the earliest church documents, showing how to interpret the scriptures: And the second commandment of the Teaching is: Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not corrupt boys; thou shalt not commit fornication. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not use witchcraft; thou shalt not practice sorcery. Thou shalt not procure abortion, nor shalt thou kill the new-born child. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
Shocking: with the exception of China the nations are by far more concerned for unborn life than our American regulations
China: abortions open and encouraged; Netherlands: abortion legal until 22wks;
Overpopulated nations:
South Korea: abortions are illegal; Japan: 20wks; India: abortions are illegal except for teenage pregnancies with parent consent up to 20 wks, Germany/Austria/Belgium/Italy/Turkey: 14 wks with several day waiting periods, France/Cuba 12 wks after 7 days consultation, Swiss 12 wks after 3 days consultation, UK/Ireland/Poland/Hungary/Brasil/Chile/Mexico/Nicaragua/Africa/Japan/Bangladesh only if life risk for mother;
The argument that abortions are mainly for rape victims or medically necessary is false:
A German woman has a likeliness of 21% to abort once/life; the argument that abortion is needed medically is only true for 2.8% of German women who abort, and <1% abort crime related)
WW statistic:
1/5th of all pregnancies are aborted WW (1/3rd of all pregnancies is unintended); people in developed countries are likelier to abort, and have a higher rate of unintended pregnancies
North America has the lowest WW Abortion rate for women (21/1000 vs. 26/1000).
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