Laura Arrived – Family Complete, & Falling in Love with Ethiopia

The family is now complete, as Laura also made it to Addis. We just picked her up from the airport! :) Kristen also moved in with us tonight, which means Jacob and I have 4 girls to put up with in the house, plus the housekeeper during the day. The girls were giggling the past hour non-stop… so good to see them lighthearted.

Libby thrives: After a great teaching experience last night on prosperity, poverty, and power, we had another neat day today. Only poor Jacob is sick again, and threw up morning and evening, though he’s otherwise feeling ok, just hanging out on the couch. Libby had some girl time this a.m., and met people who live 12 hours outside Addis with 5 kiddos. They shared some crazy missionary stories. Libby was so encouraged by meeting various missionaries the past week and received much encouragement. I watched her today as she was shopping – she’s so good with the locals, and strikes up random conversation. I am very proud of her. Her facial expressions show a lot of satisfaction – it’s neat to see her so excited about all the things she encounters. Before we came here, we weren’t sure how well Libby would handle a new culture, but her time in Germany and now here proves how amazing she is. Even the kids are adjusting so well, and are totally fine with the local food.

On the streets: As we walked around town, people constantly take note of us, call us various names (ferinji, white, foreigner, friend, how are you, I love you, Hello, what’s up, baby, …). Some people walk up to kiss the kids or touch their hair or arm, shake our hands, or blow kisses towards us. Most people are very friendly, only a few make rather rude and improper comments.
Celebrating in Ethiopia: This afternoon we attended a graduation party of Getyah, a pharmacy student who we have become friends with. The party was hosted at a friend’s house, and it was very interesting to see the living conditions. The host family lives in one room roughly 16 square meter (160 sqft), in which they live, cook, sleep,… All food is prepared on one small gas burner, and yet the amount of different foods was amazing and delicious. Everything is made from scratch with fresh ingredients and includes ripe fruits and vegetables, the taste is so much richer than anything we experience in the US. The generosity and hospitality of people here is phenomenal, and very humbling. It reminds me of the account of Abraham (Genesis Chp18) running out to greet the three strangers, begging them to stay for dinner, killing the “choice, tender calf” to prepare a meal, and then Abraham stood at a distance as the strangers sat down and ate. Here in Ethiopia, the host also stands often back as the guest eats, and the host is making constantly sure that his guests eat well and plentiful.
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Amazing Testimony: One person at the party today shared an amazing personal testimony. Growing up as a Christian, she was raped by a man, bore a child, and was consequently married to the man. In the course of 6 years she asked God multiple times to kill her as her life was so hard with a man addicted to alcohol and abusing her, and yet she did not lose hope that the God who called Paul on his way to Damascus would also be able to change her husband’s heart. One day, her husband came to her parents to proclaim that he found Christ. Today, he is a children minister and working on a theology degree. They have multiple, precious kids. Praise God for this miracle of new life.

May God bless you and give you a weekend full of His presence and peace.

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