A Response to Discouragement

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Heb 12:3)

Do you every have a bad day? Do you feel at times discouraged and hopeless, doubting that the misery will ever end? I enjoy the tremendous privilege to speak words of encouragement into the lives of others, especially those who struggle making their marriage work. What a blessing it is to lift up others, knowing that there will be days when Libby and I will need the strength of others to love us back.

The book of Hebrews in chapter 12 provides a powerful lesson on battling discouragement. It calls us to remember the reality of life, unload entangling sins, fix our eyes on Jesus, and persevere.

Step (1): Look at Cloud of witnesses.

Recall the “Hall of Faith” mentioned in chapter 11. Look at the cloud of witnesses. Here we see absolute heroes of faith, who nevertheless also struggled with discouragement in their lives. Realize, most everyone deals with discouragement.

-  Noah received God’s blessing after the flood, but shortly after found himself cursing out his son

- Abraham won the battle in defense of Sodom and his nephew Lot, yet shortly after in chapter fifteen he’s discouraged about childlessness

- Moses, the great leader of the Israelites, was so discouraged that he asked the Lord to take his life (Num 11:11-15)

- Joshua, the mighty general, prayed “O, Master, LORD! Why did you bring these people across the Jordan to hand us over to the Amorites so they could destroy us?” (Joshua 7:7)

- David, the king after God’s own hear shows us through his Psalms the fullness of his discouragement

- Jeremiah sang praises onto the Lord; yet only one verse later he wished that he had never been born (Jeremiah 20:13-15)

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Don’t turn to pills, psychiatrist, or alcohol when you are discouraged. Instead, turn to the word of God; feed on it daily. Lay aside every entangling encumbrance; remember, we are neither the first nor last to experience this. We are called to lay aside the sin of unbelief.

Step (3) Run the race with endurance.

Run your race with perseverance, even if it is in agony. Look at Christ; He endured the cross. Looking upon the crucified Christ makes my personal struggles fade.

Step (4) Fix your eyes on Jesus

Fix your eyes on Jesus instead of looking at yourself or others. Seek to be like Jesus. Respond like Jesus. Pour out your life into ministry, so your eyes remain fixed on Jesus, and you will discern what Jesus did for you.


Hungry for more? Watch A Planned Biblical Response to Discouragement with Bill Bryan

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