Our first 10 days here in Germany have gone by so quickly….here are a few pictures…The kids & I have really enjoyed our time here. Jacob & Kayley both have said they love to be in Germany. They are learning more german phrases and using them alot which of course makes everyone here EXTREMELY happy! (“Germany is ser shon” mom.-(Germany is very pretty). Their favorite to say and for oma to hear is “danke fur de mid tag essen oma” –(thank you for lunch oma)so cute!!!
This weekend there is a BIG 4-0 birthday party planned for Falk—they are very excited about this-it will be great for Falk to visit w/some old friends here in Bad Lausick.
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At night we have been looking at baby pictures of Falk, How fun!! I know we all say how much our children look like him, but now seeing HIS baby pictures-its really a little scary! Tonight there were some that i would have sworn were Macey!! So fun for the kids to get to experience the culture and just life of their German roots–its just been such a blessing for me to see the kids doing so well here (even w/all the rules that are much more strict than at home…todays “special instructions from Opa” was on how to air out the bathroom properly after the kids poop…oh yes, i’m serious!! there is a specific way that this is to be done…and evidently opening the window wasn’t the correct way– lol sorry if its TMI, just makes me laugh and i am so thankful for all of your prayers b/c i can tell for sure they are working. I am laughing off SO many things that normally would have frustrated me to death
oh the stories i will have to tell for years to come i am sure…and just think we have 3 more weeks to enjoy!!!