Crew went to Langano, Jacob was sick and so stayed behind with Papa

7:15am we were supposed to all sit in the minivan on our way to Langano, a beautiful place 4 hours outside Addis, to learn about the kids sports ministry, and relax at the lake. Well, this AM poor little Jacob threw up multiple times, and so we decided he and I would have some daddy and son time in Addis, while the rest of the crew (Lib and the girls, Vic/Cindy, Kristen and Andy) would go ahead and make the bumpy drive. At this point I haven’t heard back from anyone, and hope they made it well. The girls had such a gorgeous smile this morning -of course we miss them. Their cell phone is out of reach – so I suspect there is no cell tower in Langano.

The good news here: Jacob is doing much better, and we even ate Macaroni for dinner. We ended up watching a move, playing games, walking the dog (his name is Spot), watching Felecatch roast delicious Ethiopian coffee for us and now the whole house is smelling like a gourmet coffee house – YUMMY!!!

I never knew how much I enjoy having a dog around….
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We aren’t sure yet how the rest of the week will go. We might take a bus and meet up with the crew on Thursday afternoon, or possibly just hang out in Addis and explore a few things. I kinda like the slow pace, gives me a chance to finish grading the papers from our Old Testament Course last week, and read a good book (Theology in the context of WOLRD CHRISTIANITY by Timothy C. Tennent – a great book looking at Theology from the angle of interacting with other world religions, and how Christianity encounters new frontiers…). Jacob also noted multiple times, how much he enjoys just time amongst “men.” :-)

As you can tell from our day, we are having a blast over here and are in excellent spirit. Thanks everyone for all your prayers!


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