Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Heb 12:3) Do you every have a bad day? Do you feel at times discouraged and hopeless, doubting that the misery will … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
YAHWEH – The Great “I AM” 2nd Kids Quest

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Our 2nd kids quest was once again full of 15 friends, tons of fun and learning more about Gods names. We started the evening off reciting our verses from last week (way to go everyone – Mr. Falk and I … Continue reading
Elohim-”creator God” -1st Kids Quest

This gallery contains 10 photos.
What a fun night!!! We had such a blast with all 15 kiddos on the first night of Kids Quest Tuesday Night! Tonight we began our study on “God’s Names” by Sally Michael. We learned about names and how we each have many … Continue reading
Yahweh or Jehova?
I learned something interesting this week in Hebrew, which I suspect only nerds like myself truly appreciate… The Old Testament uses the terms God, LORD, and Lord when it refers to God. “God” is used for the Hebrew word “Elohim” … Continue reading
Did Jesus have a wife?
A recently discovered ancient fragment possibly asserts that Jesus had a wife. If this news caught Erectile dysfunction makes its presence due to the cheapest levitra potential functioning of the PDE5 enzymes over the penile region leads for the occurrences of such circumstances & thus men become victims of impotency. But just because it can be considered as one of the major reasons why a couple stays together. viagra no prescription Most women wish their viagra online france partners could give them what they want in bed by just reading their minds. cheapest viagra tablets Circadian Rhythms Your circadian rhythm is the 24-hour clock that drives wakefulness and sleep. your attention, you will find comments by Greek scholar Dr. Wallace (Dallas Theological Seminary) particularly edifying:
Energy Provider in Dallas
When we’ve moved back to Dallas 3 years ago, we called up TXU, as they were the one provider we remembered by name from years earlier. We signed up for a month-by-month contract, with the thought of switching to a cheaper provider after researching the matter a little more. Someone told us that an outage would be fixed quicker, if the customer was with TXU, which we found out to not be true. Yet over the past years we somehow neglected to switch to a cheaper provider.
While making a financial budget most recently to accomodate for our lack of income, we realized our need to cut cost, and of course one place to do so was to consume less energy, and to purchase it cheaper. It turned out sooo easy with the internet. All we did was enter a few information on the web, and voila, our meter was transferred from TXU to Green Mountain Energy. Not only had we paid nearly twice as much for our energy in the past, we also were able to go from 10% green energy to 100% renewable energy. Best of all is the web interface of our new provider. They allow us to see our daily and even hourly usuage (both in kWh and $$).
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So now we are with, and are happy, green customer.
We made it back to Dallas
We made it back yesterday (Thursday) around 3pm to DFW. Our journey home was very uneventful minus Macey’s 30 minute crying session on the 10 hour flight from Frankfurt to the States everyone around us was pretty frustrated, but what … Continue reading
Tuesday, July 17th

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Today we visited Falk’s student & friend, Wanna & his ministry to the street kids in Addis. This was such an interesting day to learn about how they are serving these kids, loving on them & completely changing their lives. … Continue reading
Monday, July 16th

This gallery contains 6 photos.
Salem Children’s village….wow, what an amazing place this was! This is the children’s village where Vic saw for the first time their oldest daughter, Julie 19-20 years ago. She was just a baby living in the baby house there in … Continue reading
Our last weekend in Addis

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Saturday & Sunday Hi friends! We’ve had a fun & full last weekend here in Addis & have had wonderful times with our new friends. It’s hard to believe we are already having to say goodbye Saturday we had … Continue reading