The weather here in Germany was absolutely beautiful and we enjoyed being out in God’s creation all day long !! It was a “schon tag” (beautiful day) as we would say here. This was our 2nd time to go w/Oma to a local strawberry field & pick our own berries….there is just something so special about working for your own food, and getting to eat the strawberries right off the plant. The kids LOVE this!!! At one point I overheard Jacob say to KK, “stop eating so many and start putting them in your bucket.” Lol-I looked in hers later and I think I saw as many tops of ½ eaten strawberries than I did full ones—that’s the fun of it though, right!?!
Later in the afternoon while Oma & Opa worked, the kids had a fun time walking into the center of town w/me to look in a few stores & eat an icecream cone, playing board games w/Grossi, and soccer w/her-she is amazingly fit-I’m SO impressed w/her!! Then after work, they got to help Oma plant beans & water them-they LOVED THIS!! It was a day full of planting & harvesting I guess! :) The kids have really enjoyed getting to help Oma around her garden while we’ve been here! We ended the day with a nice dinner outside and a fun bike ride with Oma! Praise God for such a fun filled day with family!
This is very random, but such a funny story I have to share…on our bike ride we passed a restaurant that Oma was telling Jacob he visited on his trip to Germany when he was 1 ½ with Papa to celebrate their 60th birthdays (I was pregnant w/Kayley and couldn’t fly so late in the pregnancy). Kayley then said, “mom I was in your tummy, right?” I replied “yes that’s right.” Then she said “and you didn’t know what you were having” and I said “yes, your right…. and what did I have?” And she said “a girl… you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit!” LOL-for those of you that don’t have young kids, this is a little saying we tell the kids when they don’t have a choice in what we give them. It was just so funny it made me laugh-I guess she was right-sometimes kids say the FUNNIEST things! I am so thankful for ALL my kids-this has been such a fun time getting to spend so much time w/them-we are making memories that I will never forget!!
Update from Falk & the team in Ethiopia:
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Pictures from the day