Friday, May 4th- Our vaccination experience……

Yesterday the kids and I had the BEST experience I could have possibly imagined getting our vaccinations for our trip to Ethiopia! Praise God that through a friend of my mom’s at work we found out about Dr. Bentley at Physicians Clinic. All I knew was a Christian doctor in Tyler who offers travel vaccines in his office….but this was definitely a God ordained encounter. After meeting him we found out that he was a DTS grad…..has been to Addis, Ethiopia several times (his last trip was 1 month ago w/ALL of his family…wife & 4 kids)…..His youngest son is 2, & was ADOPTED from Addis a year ago…He has traveled all over the continent of Africa, and many other countries & offered us so much great information, but said their family’s heart is for Ethiopia and this is where they will continue to return! He was so encouraging to me that it is the safest possible place to be taking our kids and the most reassuring thing HE has NEVER been vaccinated for rabies* & neither have his kids!!! What a reassurance, that our convictions about this were once again solidified!
I have to brag on our kids-they were SO BRAVE going in to get their shots. Of course there was some fear going in to the morning, and some tears shed, but we are so grateful for so many of you who were praying for us!! Macey only had to get 1 shot, Jacob & Kayley both got 3 and I (Libby) hit the jackpot—SIX!!! Yikes!!!  (Falk has been able to get his taken care of at TI & w/his international travel over the years he was pretty much up to date & only had to get a couple that are more specific to travel in Ethiopia.)
After Kayley was finished, I said, “ok, you’re done, it’s over, we can go to Chuck E Cheese now” and she said but aren’t there more  lol—I think it was the fear built up more than the actual experience that was scary to them… really wasn’t that bad!! Thank you to the sweet nurses who made it a good experience!! And a BIG Thank you to our Nana for coming along as I definitely needed an extra set of loving arms to help out! And yes, we enjoyed a fun afternoon at Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate…and only had slight discomfort over the next 24 hours!
*many of you may not know the full vaccination story, but 2 months ago we were told we must vaccinate ALL of the kids to rabies strictly for “precautionary measures” if we wanted to be in Addis for 2 months. Last night on CNN’s Larry King Live talk show he viagra online cheapest went further. “I mean, it should be destroyed,” Stainton told King. “When that is finally released from police custody, it will never return to men to spoil their sexual moments. Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Sometimes men are facing both sexual problems PE cialis online overnight and ED (erectile dysfunction). Beautiful wooden toys that can levitra without prescription be cherished from this point. Kamagra UK try here generic viagra from india is the answer to all your sexual dysfunctions. We instantly felt uneasiness in our hearts and after consulting 2 different pediatricians and several medical professional’s we knew it was NOT in the best interest of our kids to get this vaccination. We asked for a waiver and were initially denied 2 months ago. We however, still felt that we were to go…so we shared what was happening w/the leader of our trip…he then took our request back to the board and after about 2 weeks, they came back w/the decision that we could be there for 1 month, but not 2 (the usual allowed time w/no rabies vaccine is 2 wks)- so we are thankful that they gave us a second chance at being able to go…this process has been going on for over 2 months, so this is why we have just been in awe at how God has provided financially by EACH of you giving in such a short amount of time!! THANK YOU!!!!! So Falk will be going ahead of us by 16 days w/our team as they teach 3 weeks of intense classes at the bible college there….the kids and I will join up w/them on June 22 and stay the remainder of the summer. God has worked it all out b/c with this altered schedule; we will be able to spend a FULL month with our family in Germany (instead of the initial 2 weeks that was originally planned). Many of you know I tend to like to be in control and plan everything out, and the one thing I’m learning through this whole process is that God is in control and HE will work out all the details according to His planning and timing not mine!

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